Its all about my dreams and a place for my husband and I to post for the internet community and our family and friends about a wide variety of topics whether it be hobbies,current events or our everyday lives.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Count your blessings!

Most of the time we tend to ignore the blessings that we are receiving each day. We sometimes focus on the negative things that happened to us and forget about our wonderful days. I, myself is guilty about it. I worry too much and sometimes worries on the things that haven't come yet. But come to think of it, we received so many blessings everyday. Life itself is the biggest blessings that we shouldn't ignore. Thank God each day for giving you such beautiful gift of life and count the blessings He has shower upon you may it be big or small.

I know that me too forget about that and I think I should start counting my blessings now. You too can start to count your own blessings and give thanks to God above. Have a wonderful day!