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Friday, August 8, 2008

Hydroxycut No Longer Top Dog

I am always looking for the perfect diet pill or other ways to lose weight along with my weightlifting and hitting the heavy bag. I recently read an article about a diet pill who's name most people should recognize and that is hydroxycut. The Hydroxycut Review tells you about how hydroxycut made muscletech a ton of money and that is why you see so many advertisements about the product. It also tells you that hydroxycut is really not any good anymore and hasn't been since the ban of ephedra, and the only reason we see so much advertisement on hydroxycut is because of all the funding it has. At the bottom of the review you will see some of the sites top picks for diet pills. I have reviewed some of the pills on the list in the past and i agree they are a good choice over hydroxycut. Please feel free to check out the Hydroxycut Review and leave your thoughts here as to what you may think.