Its all about my dreams and a place for my husband and I to post for the internet community and our family and friends about a wide variety of topics whether it be hobbies,current events or our everyday lives.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

All About My Hubby

How long did you date? dunno no dating happened

How old is he? he old 2 yrs than me

Who eats more? Well, me im piggy

Who said “I love you” first? Him

Who is taller? im only 4'9 his 5'8

Who sings better? dunno

Who is smarter? hmmm he is

Whose temper is worse? both

Who does the laundry? me

Who does the dishes? me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? hi

Who pays the bills? he does

Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn

Who cooks dinner? me mostly

Who drives when you are together? Him

Who is more stubborn? me

Who kissed who first? sometimes me sometimes he does

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Him!

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine

Who proposed? He did.

Who is more sensitive? me

Who has more friends? Me

Who has more siblings? me

Who wears the pants in the family? both

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure if these are answered right Asawa.

Who is more sensitive? me

Who is more stubborn? me

Whose temper is worse? both

Who is smarter? hmmm he is

Who eats more? Well, me im piggy

You always say i'm so. sensitive. dunno how to spell -> artay ?

I think i am more stubborn and i am grumpier (temper).

I eat more. i am bigger..

I don't think i am smarter, i have just done different things in life.

but i know for sure that you are more BAHO hehehe joking. Love you!
